
Stop All the Doomscrolling

A mobile phone with hands gripped anxiously around it.
A mobile phone with hands gripped anxiously around it. Photo credit to @knaggit on Unsplash.

Ending the habit of doomscrolling – which we’re nearly all guilty of – could be a promise worth keeping. This phenomenon occurs when too much negative information is presented in a short period of time, leading to feelings of anxiety and depression. Scrolling through your Facebook or Twitter feed and suddenly feeling an overwhelming sense of hopelessness is a classic symptom.
Pictures of natural disasters, political turmoil, and crime are all over the internet, and it can be difficult to avoid them. This content can be overwhelming, especially if you are constantly scrolling through negative content in an attempt to stay updated on current events, like so many of us.

Realistically, Doomscrolling has been around as long as social media. Relatively recent technology developments like scrolling feeds have only exacerbated the problem. But the term only recently became popularized, during the COVID-19 pandemic. With so much uncertainty in the world, people were constantly checking social media for updates on the virus.  This constant need for information led people to feel anxious and stressed out.
The reality is that media channels often prioritize negative stories over positive ones, and people are more likely to share a negative story on social media. This creates a feedback loop that can cause people to feel even more anxious about the world around them.
When we doomscroll, we are exposing ourselves to a lot of negative content in a short period of time, and can become bombarded with images and stories that trigger our anxiety or depression. Constant scrolling can be tiring and take a toll on your mental health. If you feel yourself getting bogged down, take a break from social media. Put your phone away, log out of your account, and do something else.
If your reason for doomscrolling is boredom or procrastination, try to find something else to do that’s more productive or enjoyable. If you’re curious about the news, set a timer for yourself so you don’t accidentally spend hours scrolling – there are plenty of apps that help with this specifically. Only allow yourself to check the news for a certain amount of time each day, and then move on to other activities. This will help you stay focused and avoid getting lost in a doomscrolling spiral.

If you find yourself doomscrolling, try to find something else to do. Go for a walk, call a friend, or read a book. Doing something else will help you take your mind off the news, and relax.

Written by Editorial Team

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